KARACHI, Dec 17: Five ships carrying containers, crude oil and to load molasses are expected to arrive at the outer anchorage on Tuesday, according to KPT sources.
Berthing activity at the wharves was fairly brisk where nine ships, Itha Bhum, Mol Admiration, Wan Hai-311 and Conti Germany to unload and load containers, Valiant and Acc Asip, oil tankers, Golden Arrow to load cement, Bright Ocean to offload DAP fertiliser and Spica, bulk carrier, were accommodated berths.
Sailing was also active as a dozen ships including Mir Damad, Calvin P Titus, Cape Negro, Kota Mesra, Yang Hai, Handy Tanker Glory, Cherry, Pacific Arrow and Sinin were departed, while Arrella, Mal Admiration, Wan Hai-311, Orient Stride and Conti Harmony are due to sail out on Tuesday.
A total tonnage of 0.251m tons comprising 59,163 tons of export cargo mainly rice and cement and general cargo and 0.191m tons of import tonnage was handled on during the last two days.
The following ships are due on Tuesday: Johar with crude oil, APL Brisbane, Hellene Rickmers with containers, Lucky-7 to load ethanol, Global Union to load molasses.