LAHORE, Jan 25: Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) President Qazi Husain Ahmad urged the government on Friday to inform the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) about the Israeli satellite launched by India “which poses a serious threat” to security and nuclear programmes of Pakistan and Iran.
Talking to reporters, the Qazi said the Indo-Jewish cooperation was a “provocative act” to which the Islamic countries should respond jointly.
He said political and military leaders should also take serious note of the development and raise awareness among people about its implications viz-a-viz the country’s nuclear programme.
The MMA chief said both India and Israel were nuclear powers and their latest move should not be underestimated by anyone.
He took exception to reports that another notice had been served on deposed chief justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry asking him to vacate his official residence.
He said the All Parties Democratic Movement would jointly evolve a strategy to resist the plan.
He said the judiciary should be respected and the judges working for people’s rights should not be left at the mercy of the government agencies. He said judges who had refused to take oath under the Provisional Constitution Order should be supported by the people because of their bold stand against an unconstitutional step taken by President Pervez Musharraf to strengthen his dictatorial rule.
He said elections would not be acceptable unless all deposed judges were reinstated.
Expressing concern over the deteriorating law and order situation in Swat and tribal areas, the MMA president underlined the need for a political solution through talks between the government and notables of the areas facing military operation.
Before starting the talks, he said, the operation should be halted immediately and troops withdrawn.
He said it was regrettable that the government had allowed the situation to worsen which could have been resolved long ago through a proper strategy. He said now the militants had started targeting even the settled areas thus growing insecurity in the country.
He said the murder of an Intelligence Bureau official in the NWFP on Jan 21 should not be taken lightly.
Also, addressing a sermon at Friday prayers in Mansoora, Qazi Husain Ahmad said Pakistan army was being used in the tribal areas and Swat for American interests.
He said President Musharraf was in Europe to convey a message to the West that they should only consider him a substitute for democracy in Pakistan.
“Gen Musharraf has asked Western leaders not to insist on democracy in Pakistan since it won’t be useful for their interests which only he can protect in a better way.”
The Jamaat leader asked the army to evolve its policies according to the interests of Muslims and Pakistan, rejecting US agenda.
He urged the people to come forward to help these victims at this troubled time. He alleged the bureaucracy had been behind all sectarian or linguistic riots, creating certain groups and factions to divide society.