KABUL, Feb 16: President Hamid Karzai is under the influence of foreign powers and troops led by Nato and the US must set a firm date for their departure from Afghanistan, a government-run daily newspaper said on Saturday.The remarks are the first of their kind in an Afghan paper about Karzai and foreign troops in Afghanistan, where there is frustration over growing insecurity and rampant corruption.

“...It should be said that the Afghan nation reacts seriously, despite its difficulties, when the national interests of their country are exposed to foreign danger and have never accepted and nor will accept a protege government,” Anis said.

“If the world does not pay attention to this matter, soon the fire of Afghanistan will burn the region and a situation will emerge that will be unimaginable for anyone.”

Karzai has been running Afghanistan since US-led forces and allied Afghan factions overthrew the Taliban government in 2001. The 51-year-old won the presidential election in 2004 but is under pressure because of a steady increase in violence and the weakness of his government.

Anis said Karzai’s government was a protectorate and the nation must discuss the issue of national sovereignty with “the foreigners” before next year’s presidential election.

“For the appointment of each high-ranking employee, Mr Karzai has to propose individuals and then (announce their appointment) after the approval of foreigners,” Anis said.

The paper did not elaborate further and did not identify the foreigners. Britain and the United States are the key players in Afghanistan which has been ravaged by decades of foreign intervention and civil war.

Karzai’s press office said the president was on an official trip to the Gulf and it could not comment on the Anis report.




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