KARACHI, Sept 20: Former Pakistan captain Inzamam-ul-Haq lashed out at the Australians on Saturday for their double standards on security and said the International Cricket Council’s (ICC) inaction on the matter was encouraging the teams to violate tour commitments.

Inzamam felt that Australia should be penalised for refusing to tour Pakistan on security grounds while agreeing to play in India despite serial blasts.

“Australia has been the only country which has refused to tour Pakistan steadfastly. And I don’t think this is going to change unless other cricket boards and the ICC do something about it,” Inzamam said.

Inzamam, who is currently with the rebel Indian Cricket League (ICL), said the ICC’s inaction is the only reason why Aussies have violated tour commitments in Pakistan.

The former captain said that another tour cancellation by an international side would spell doom for Pakistan cricket and it was important that the ICC backed his country in such a situation.

“I don’t think Pakistan cricket can afford to have another tour postponed or cancelled on security grounds. It would be a big setback for our cricket,” Inzamam said. “I don’t think there is anything wrong with our security arrangements and in Pakistan people are passionate about good cricket and want teams to come and play,” he added.

Inzamam also blamed the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) for not doing enough to stage the Champions Trophy at home. He said the PCB needed to be more firm and put its foot down against postponement of the mega event. “Being apologetic for our cricket and security wont help, we need to stop it,” he added.

Inzamam further said that the new cricket board set-up should lift the domestic cricket ban on those players who have signed up with the ICL. “I think the Sri Lankan cricket authorities have taken a fair step by allowing their ICL players to appear in domestic cricket and other countries should follow suit. Pakistan must also lift this ban,” said Inzamam, one of the first signings of the ICL.

Inzamam, who leads the Lahore Badshahs team in the ICL, said the players will go to India on Oct 6 to start training for the next season of the league.—Agencies


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