HYDERABAD Oct 10: A walk to mark the World Health Day was organised on Friday by the Sir C.J. Cowasjee Institute of Psychiatry.

With the theme “Making Mental Health a Global Priority: Scaling up Services through Citizen Advocacy and Action,” the walk began from Gymkhana and ended at the Hyderabad Press Club.

The day was observed to raise awareness about mental health issues, said participants. They said that disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy and substance abuse etc., caused immense suffering to the affected. This also intensifies the vulnerability leading patients to a life of self-destruction, they said.

They called for educating public as how to support people afflicted with such issues. Participants stressed upon the government for creating an environment wherein people should not only feel confident to discuss mental health conditions but can also receive support.

The walk was attended by a large number of doctors, nurses, para-medical staff and people from different sections of the society. It was followed by a seminar at the press club.

Medical Superintendent Dr Akbar Memon of the Sir C.J. Cowasjee Institute of Psychiatry said that the people were not aware as to how important it was to consult a doctor for addressing their psychological problems. He said that people also do not realise the importance of being mentally and psychologically fit.

Dr Memon said that the most vulnerable were children and adolescents with mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders therefore mental health and well-being of people should be protected. Walk and seminar provide an opportunity to communicate with the general public about mental health issues, he said.

Dr Abdul Hameed Memon revealed that around 30 per cent of our population was suffering from mental disorders whereas majority don’t exhibit signs rather pass trauma silently.

He stressed upon the government to consider providing treatment and counselling to public by appointing counsellors in public departments, schools, colleges and universities. Mental disorder can inflict anyone and at any stage of life, he said emphasising on integration of mental health into public health system.

Dr Darya Khan Leghari blamed various factors for contributing to high rate of mental health problems in Pakistan as according to him one in four patients visiting a health service suffers from at least one mental, neurological or behavioural disorder but in most cases these remain undiagnosed.

Dr Qasim Brohi said that untreated disorders bring about unhealthy behaviour and poor prognosis. He said that among the population of over 160 million people, a large segment was the silent sufferer of some form of mental disorder.

Dr Kamal Pervaiz Abbassi called for improved psychiatry syllabus at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Professor Syed Jamil Ahmed Shah said that the lives of depressed and psychiatric patients could be saved by providing them timely care.—APP



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