KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 18: Malaysian activists have threatened to stage a naked protest over a sudden hike in rental rates for government housing, drawing criticism from Muslim leaders and police on Tuesday.
Ramlan Abu Bakar of the Malaysian People's Reform Movement said its members were prepared to strip off outside the offices of the chief minister of Selangor state, after it more than doubled the cost of low-income housing.
“Protesting naked is our final act of desperation as the state government is literally stealing the clothes off our backs with this price increase,” Ramlan said.
“They are not helping the poor people here who barely make enough to afford the present rental of 124 ringgit ($34 per month) so how can we afford to pay 250 ringgit?” he said.
The hardline Islamic party PAS, which is part of the opposition alliance, criticised the plans, with its spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat saying only “uncivilised” people would resort to such an act.
“Even an animal like a cow which is stark naked, God created a tail to hide its genitals and here we are talking about human beings who have been given a mind,” he told state news agency Bernama.—AFP