ISLAMABAD, Dec 30: The government on Tuesday announced launching of 2009 as National year of Environment, challenging citizens, businesses and stakeholders to get involved and pledge for a greener future.
“Today Pakistan is confronted with a number of severe environmental problems caused by accelerated rate of economic and demographic changes,” said Minister for Environment, Hameedullah Jan Afridi at a press conference.
“Inadequate economic and resource management, poverty and illiteracy, environmental degeneration by over-exploitation of limited natural resource base, high and unstable rate of population growth, and unprecedented pace of urban expansion have played havoc with our surroundings,” the minister said.
Pakistan was also facing negative consequences of climate change, he said. “The environmental degradation is estimated to cause economic losses to the tune of Rs365 billion per year which amounted to six percent of the GDP.”
Highlighting the objectives set for NYE, the minister said that the government would create awareness of environmental issues by engaging all stakeholders.
“The government will ensure implementation of laws such as the National Environmental Policy, Sanitation Policy, Energy Conservation Policy, which had direct impact on quality of life.
The government would ensure access to sanitation and clean drinking water and increase in forest cover and expand protected areas as well as offset massive costs of environmental degradation,” the minister said.
Keeping in view the urgency to respond to environmental challenges, the government had planned activities that would encourage the youth, civil society, professionals and partners in development sector.
The National Year of Environment 2009 would commence with the issue of commemorative stamps in January. This would be followed by initiatives like Pakistan Clean Air Programme, Control of Pollution from brick-kilns and stone crushers Pakistan Water Sanitation Programme, Green City Programme, and Mass Forestation Programme besides several other projects like village clean up programme, launching of solid, hazardous and hospital waste management and coastal and marine pollution control initiatives.
The Ministry of Environment has also designed a NYE 2009 calendar of activities that range from workshops, awareness campaigns to tree plantation initiatives to competitions, screening of documentaries on channels, discussions on the air, establishing forest nurseries, plantation of fruit plants besides many more.
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