PESHAWAR: The Pakistan tribesmen yesterday repulsed another 500-strong Lashkar of Afghan soldiers and conscripts in the Bajaur area, according to reports received here. The fleeing Afghan invaders left behind scores of dead and injured. Two Pakistani tribesmen received minor injuries in the clash.

This was the first organised attack by Afghanistan on Pakistani territory after the diplomatic rupture between the two countries. They had attacked the Bajaur area twice earlier this year.The Pakistan government is understood to be anxiously watching the situation and has increased vigilance on the border. An official spokesman warned that “if Afghan authorities created a still more serious situation, we will break their neck”.

The plain-clothed Afghan soldiers and conscripts were led by one Malik Saifur Rahman, it was stated. The Lashkar joined Fazal Mannan, son of the notorious Afghan agent Badshah Gul at Mena, and proceeded towards Garigal and Pangi through unfrequented routes.

Receiving the information of the Afghan build-up, Pakistan tribesmen sent an ultimatum to the Lashkar leader to quit their area, but he refused point-blank. The tribesmen then gathered a strong force under the leadership of Malik Abdul Hakim Mahmud and Malik Khanzada.

When the leaders of the Afghan Lashkar came to know of the huge build-up, they left the area under the cover of darkness and crossed over to Afghanistan, leaving behind the Lashkar they had brought with them.

The Pakistani tribesmen, who had by then taken positions, launched a furious attack upon the Afghan invaders who took to their heels, leaving behind scores of dead and injured. — Agencies

Death toll up in Aligarh NEW DELHI: Stray cases of stabbing and arson continued in Aligarh yesterday where, according to unconfirmed reports, 10 people were killed and about a hundred injured in communal riots. A large number of shops and houses were burnt, and property worth lakhs of rupees was looted and destroyed. A 24-hour curfew was clamped on the city.

The university, where the trouble started, has been indefinitely closed and students are leaving for homes because of the prevailing tension.

Five companies of the UP Armed Police have arrived in the city from Lucknow, Agra and Allahabad to reinforce the police.


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