Six foreigners, four of them aid and development workers, have already been abducted since July in Pakistan. – File Photo

ISLAMABAD: A Kenyan aid worker and his Pakistani driver working for an international charity are missing, feared abducted in southern Pakistan, police said on Monday.

Police official Saqib Ismail said the Kenyan works for Care International and that his car was found abandoned in the town of Noshero Feroz on Sunday.

Since then, there has been no news of about the men's whereabouts.

Six foreigners, four of them aid and development workers, have already been abducted since July in nuclear-armed Pakistan, where US forces last year killed Osama bin Laden and which stands on the frontline of a Taliban insurgency.

The Kenyan is missing in Pakistan's southern province of Sindh in an area badly affected by devastating floods in 2010 and again by floods in 2011 that mobilised a huge international aid operation.

Javed Suharo Jaskani, police chief of Noshero Feroz said the foreigner was around 40 years old and had been working in Pakistan for about a year.

“He left (the town of) Sukkur for Dadu (part of the flood-affected areas) yesterday and his car was found abandoned at Noshero Feroz,” said Jaskani.

“His driver, who is a local person, is also missing,” he added, saying that police believe local bandits kidnapped them for ransom.

Nothing appeared to have been taken from the vehicle, with the foreigner's laptop and bag containing his personal effects left behind, police said.


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