Men walk near a road sign showing the distance to cities in Afghanistan, as trucks drive past in the northwest town of Torkham, at the border crossing to Pakistan, July 4, 2012. Pakistan and the U.S. reached a deal on Tuesday to reopen land routes that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) uses to supply troops in Afghanistan, ending a seven-month crisis that damaged ties between the two countries and complicated the U.S.-led Afghan war effort.
Men walk near a road sign showing the distance to cities in Afghanistan, as trucks drive past in the northwest town of Torkham, at the border crossing to Pakistan, July 4, 2012. Pakistan and the U.S. reached a deal on Tuesday to reopen land routes that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) uses to supply troops in Afghanistan, ending a seven-month crisis that damaged ties between the two countries and complicated the U.S.-led Afghan war effort. - Reuters Photo

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office spokesman Moazzam Ahmad Khan at the weekly news briefing said that the decision to reopen the Nato supply lines was made in national interest and the US had clearly said ‘sorry’ to Pakistan for the Salala incident.

Replying to questions, the spokesman said Nato supplies have actually resumed following decision by Pakistan to restore them after suspension of seven months.

Khan said that Pakistan had not permitted the Nato to transport of lethal weapons.

He said the decision to block Nato supplies was taken to ensure that our sovereignty is not violated and red-lines are respected.

Foreign Office spokesman said that Pakistan and the United States are working on an arrangement as to how to facilitate the process of re-engagement.

He said Pakistan attaches great importance to a stable, prosperous and a peaceful Afghanistan.

He said the Afghan government would present a national priority programme and the participants of the conference would look at it as to how to offer support.

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar will visit Japan on Sunday to attend Tokyo conference on Afghanistan as Pakistan attaches great importance to a stable and peaceful Kabul, Khan added.

“During the telephonic conversation with Khar, US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton not only expressed sorry but also categorically stated that her country respects Pakistan's sovereignty,” he added

To another question he said Pakistan and the United States are continuing talks on drone attacks with the objective of reaching on some sort of mutually acceptable solution.

He said Pakistan has a clear position on drone attacks that these are counter production, violation of our territorial integrity and against international law.

The spokesman said that the entire process of re-engagement with the United States and Nato was undertaken in a transparent manner.

It was perhaps for the first time that the government took the foreign policy issues to the parliament for guidance.

Responding to a question he said the US would soon release substantial amount to Pakistan under Coalition Support Fund (CSF).

Pakistan-India ties

Replying to question regarding the statement of Indian Foreign Minister SM Krishna, he said Pakistan totally rejects allegations and insinuations against its institutions.

He said terrorism is a common enemy and both Pakistan and India have an on-going cooperation in the field of terrorism.

He said Pakistan was willing to cooperate and investigate if concrete evidence is provided against any individual or with regard to a particular incident.

Dr Shakeel Afridi

In answer to a question about sentencing of Dr Shakeel Afridi - who worked as part of a CIA campaign to trace whereabouts of Osama bin Laden, the Pakistani envoy said the doctor has been indicted on account of his links with a web of militant groups.

Dr Afridi, she said, has the option of recourse to three tiers of courts.

She also noted that Dr Afridi did not know that he was assisting in search of bin Laden.

He has not been indicted on charges of working for a foreign intelligence agency, she added.

Ambassador Sherry Rehman, who has been striving to convince the Capitol Hill of Pakistan's position and perspective on some contentious issues in Pakistan-US relations, said her country is aware of Congressional concerns on the issue of sentencing of the Pakistani doctor.



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