The types of pre-election inquiries occurring in Pakistan violate the right of the voter to independently select a candidate.
Published15 Apr, 2013 03:57pm
This election has been significant because of the overwhelming increase in turnout, making 2012 a historic year for the American voter.
Published07 Nov, 2012 05:50am
While the voting pattern of Pakistani-Americans remains largely unstudied, one can discover a complex array of political beliefs held amongst this group.
Published06 Nov, 2012 07:55am
"Right now its Muslims they are after, but in World War II it was Japanese they were after, in the 19th Century it was Chinese and before that it was Native Americans.”
Published30 Oct, 2012 07:37am
Perhaps the most striking thing about the DHS report is how much the white supremacists and Islamic militants share in common.
Published23 Oct, 2012 09:02am
The Supreme Court’s restraint in dealing with PM Ashraf displays a potential for the judiciary acting in collaboration with elected officials, rather than against them.
Published01 Sep, 2012 03:40pm
While a US allows citizens of foreign nations to sue for damages or compensation, the act’s application to Pakistan remains unlikely.
Published10 Aug, 2012 11:11am
Rather than shutting the base down as promised, the Obama has solidified the future of military commissions at the prison.
Published19 Jun, 2012 05:42am
The absence of divergence in opinion is striking, given the legally complex and controversial issues confronted by Pakistan’s judiciary in its recent history.
Published09 Jun, 2012 12:47pm
There is a need for a new legislation, which can systematically address discrimination and provide remedies for affected minorities.
Published02 Jun, 2012 01:33pm
Pakistan should reconsider its judicial appointment system in favor of a process that includes the wisdom of the Court and the transparency of the Parliament.
Published19 May, 2012 11:04am
It may take the US several generations to realise the error in attempting to manipulate the law in order to justify illegal military oppression.
Published14 May, 2012 04:57pm
Neither the court nor the prime minister have delivered a death blow to the other, signaling the continuation of the PPP-Judiciary battle.
Published27 Apr, 2012 09:10am
In Pakistan when a minority is converted to Islam, they could likely develop Stockholm Syndrome and embrace their new faith as an instinct to survive in a brutal society.
Published20 Apr, 2012 07:00pm