THIS is apropos of the letter ‘Tax on smoking’ (June 26). I would like to give some suggestions. First, the government should allow tobacco sales only through registered shops and kiosks. Second, the CNICs should be mandatory for purchasing cigarettes and tobacco-related products. The age limit of 18 should be set for tobacco purchase.
Third, the taxes on tobacco-related products should be increased as it has an indirect effect on the health budget with increase in cancer and other diseases. As far as ban on Sheesha cafes is concerned, it should be regulated.
The Middle East is also famous for its Sheesha culture. The ban is on the product that has cultural and historical pertinence. This is following the trail of the Punjab government in decimating the social and cultural spheres. Regulation should be enforced so below 18 are not allowed to smoke Sheesha and the ban be removed as forthwith.