A delegation from Pakistan led by External Affairs Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and a delegation from Afghanistan led by Syed Qasim Rishtya, Minister for Information and Press, concluded negotiations by signing an agreement at the Iranian Foreign Ministry this afternoon. Their negotiations had begun on May 24 with the mediation of Shah Reza Pahlevi of Iran.
Before the signing of the agreement to resume diplomatic relations which were broken off in September 1961, representatives of the two sides in the talks met the Shah for two hours and a half.
Speaking after the signing ceremony, the Shah of Iran hoped that the spirit of cooperation and understanding which existed during the Teheran talks would further strengthen and have a bearing on the future relations of the two “friendly and brotherly countries” of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Aram, who signed the accord as a third-party representative, thanked the Afghan and Pakistan delegations for the cordial atmosphere they maintained during the talks.
According to an earlier report from Teheran, Mr Abbas Aram gave a dinner in honour of the Pakistan and Afghan delegations on May 25.
Popping a toast to the Shahinshah of Iran, the King of Afghanistan and the President of Pakistan, the Iranian Foreign Minister expressed his happiness that sincere efforts of the Shahinshah had provided an opportunity for representatives of brotherly countries to assemble in Teheran to resolve their differences. — Dawn/Agencies