Nawaz launches Uch-II power project
April 25, 2014

QUETTA: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif inaugurated on Friday the 404MW Uch Power Project-II in Dera Murad Jamali, Balochistan, DawnNews reported.
Addressing the ceremony, the premier said the government would fulfill the electricity shortage in the country within two and a half years' time.
He stressed on the need for carrying forward all institutions together for the country’s prosperity.
On the occasion, the premier also announced that new power lines would be laid in Balochistan’s Nasirabad and Sibi Division areas.
This was the second major power project to be inaugurated by the prime minister in a week.
Earlier on April 21, the premier had inaugurated commissioning of additional power units at the Guddu Thermal Power Plant.
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Arif Aslam Khan
Apr 25, 2014 02:12pm
Good for the Country but to keep records straight both UCH projects were started by the previous Govt and by cutting tape & having photo session NS can not take the Credit of bring in more Electricity, please dont fool the people by using propaganda.Innaugurating two UCH power projects has nothing to do with present NS Govt.
Apr 25, 2014 02:22pm
In the past, each goverment (including of NS) tried to delay or stop the projects initiated by the previous governments. But now NS instead is trying to fast track the projects started by previous governments. It seems now he has got matured.....
Apr 25, 2014 02:27pm
@Arif Aslam Khan: Don't forget that ground-breaking ofBhasha dam was performed both by Musharraf and Gilani but practically even the land was not purchased which is happening right now.
Rashid Hussain
Apr 25, 2014 03:11pm
Inaugration of Uch II power plant is no doubt a great step as it will add 404 MW to national supply but for residents of the area(Dera Murad Jamli) of no value as this power generation plant suplies energy to Punjab province.
Arif Aslam Khan
Apr 25, 2014 03:13pm
@AR thats a different story my friend UCH was in testing & Commissioning stage when NS took over, regretably this is the problem with most people here, they poke their nose every where without knowing basics & technicalities this exposes depth of your knowledge..
Apr 25, 2014 03:46pm
For the first time in the history of Pakistan, 78 % development budget has been released to Balochistan to date and Rs. 110 billion have also been transferred under the NFC Award to Balochistan, remaining 22 % of the development budget will be released during the 4th quarter (April to June) of the current financial year.
sarah hussaini
Apr 25, 2014 04:39pm
very gooood
Apr 25, 2014 05:47pm
i was involved as engineer in this project and it started two to three yearsback , nothing done by NS. please don't make fool innocent people.
people should be now more vigilant in this age. even a small project takes 2 to 3 years for completion. and how NS take the credit by just cutting Red ribbon
Apr 25, 2014 06:38pm
@Rashid Hussain
Please stop this ideology of divide and hate. Out country is going thru such a difficult times and you should not be talking about division. It is going to Punjab. What is your source?
Just to satisfy yourself Why can't you google and see how much loadshedding are in different areas of whole Pakistan. I know personally that some villages across all provinces were having 22 hours of load shedding. Yes, I am talking about provinces in Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and KPK but bigger cities have less. For example Karachi last year has about 5-6 hours, Lahore had 12 hours and Rawalpindi/Islb had about 8-12 hours of load shedding.
Please talk about unity and no division. How much division do you want? Our ummah is divided, country is divided, politicians are divided and common people are divided. Even households have division. Lets talk about unity. I hope you get my point. One step a time. qatra qatra ker ke darya banta hai.
event horizon
Apr 25, 2014 06:42pm
Nawaz Sharif is turning out to be a great leader. He has enough talent to put Churchill, Hitler, Kennedy, Lenin, Mao, Bhutto, Nehru, Castro to shame.
Apr 25, 2014 09:22pm
Salute to President Pervaiz Musharraf and his team for conceiving and starting this Power Project. Let Nawaz Sharif take note that he has nothing to do with this project and should not take any credit whatsoever for it.
Apr 25, 2014 09:43pm
Nawaz Sharif has soooooo much time to waste in cutting ribbon at a project. A provincial minister should have been enuff. Why Nawaz Sharif has no time to attend National Assembly or Senate sessions.
By cutting ribbons won't improve anything. It will in fact waste time of others by busying in protocol & free lunch arrangements for all.
Mohammed Ibrahim
Apr 26, 2014 03:52pm
Finally someone is doing something about the issues and problems that are facing and holding Pakistan from success. May ALLAH help Pakistan solve its problems and issues, If Pakistan could solve the problem of Electricity, this will help the Pakistani Industries kick start the economy and not be reliant on hand outs from others, I hope and pray there also tackle the problem with corruption.
Long may Pakistan succeed in its aims. amen.
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