Nawaz directs HEC to amend academic curriculum

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday directed the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to make amendments in Urdu, English and Pakistan Studies curriculums for schools, colleges and universities after consulting and receiving approval from the provincial governments.
A spokesman for the Prime Minister House said the amendments shall include chapters aimed at promoting the necessity of constitutional democracy for Pakistan’s progress and identity and deepening the understanding of merits of the constitutional democratic process and pluralism in an international and national context.
The curriculum is also aimed at strengthening the knowledge base of students to comprehensively counter the common misunderstandings surrounding constitutional democracy and enhancing critical appreciation of modes of accountability within the constitutional process which include judicial oversight, media, freedom of speech, right to information and elections.
To achieve the desired objectives, the premier has directed the HEC to task and coordinate with academics, universities and text book publishers to develop a new curriculum within two months, and ensure its adaption by the federal and provincial governments from the next academic year.