THIS is apropos Pervez Hoodbhoy’s article ‘Let’s go nuclear — safely’ (March 14). It should be obvious to all that the future lies in producing environment-friendly energy like solar power.
Despite this, when I told fellow-industrialists some years ago that fossil fuels would soon be a thing of the past and factories would run on solar power, one of them sniffed and said: “It will never work. What will we do if the sun stops emitting heat?”
Shakir Lakhani
Published in Dawn, March 18th, 2015
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Burjor Rustomji
Mar 18, 2015 01:25pm
" ...what will we do when the Sun stops emitting heat". P.V. Cells work on light in a certain wave length, not in the infrared range. Shows the knowledge our industrialists have. As a nation we are so ignorant, it is a disgrace. Even taken as a joke, we are disdainful of technology, we stick to our old ways, we do not wish to change for the better. Solar energy is now very competitive with fossil fuels, i.e. coal, oil. People are doing a lot of research on different locations around the world and preparing feasibility reports. Most unfortunate that solar cells are not manufactured in this country, until it does so we will have to wait patiently till the "sun stops emitting heat".
Mar 18, 2015 06:54pm
It is a good solution
Shakir Lakhani
Mar 18, 2015 09:56pm
@ Burjor Rustomjee: one of the ways of using solar power is to use the heat of the sun by concentrating it's rays to a highly polished surface, like a pipe carrying water. The heated water turns into steam and can be used by a steam turbine to produce electricity. Another use of the sun's heat is in solar geysers.