DADU, Oct 8: Speakers paid tribute to late Ustad Bukhari at a function held to mark the poet’s 14th death anniversary on Saturday.
Sindhology Director Shoukat Shoro said that it was the Ustad’s greatness that one finds glimpses of the past, present and future in his poems.
He stressed the need for organising a seminar on late Ustad and inviting intellectuals, poets, ulema and scholars to discuss his poetry.
He advised that the Ustand’s poetry be translated into in all the languages so that his message could reach people of other areas also.
Sarkish Sindhi said that late Ustad had become immortal through his poetry as he was a poet who was liked by people from all the social classes.
Taj Joyo said that late Ustad had urged people to stand up for their rights and fight against victimisation by the state. He said the people could get their rights through struggle, education and hard work.
Inam Shaikh and Syed Altaf Shah, son of late Ustad Bukhari, also spoke on the occasion.
The students of Erum Bright Academy presented a tableau followed by a musical programme by Manzoor Sakhirani and Akhtiar Khushik who sang late Ustad’s poetry.
Ustad Bukhari awards were given to journalist Nizam Shaikh, educationist Mohammad Khan Panhwar, singers Manzoor Sakhirani and Akhtiar Khushik.