THIS is apropos of Dr Arif Azad's article '' (March 16). Contrary to media reports, alluded to in the article, of a merger between two prominent left parties, Abid Hassan Manto's National Workers Party and the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party, the latter hasn't entirely been merged into the new entity named the Pakistan Workers Party.
The CMKP continues to function under a new leadership appointed by the central committee on Feb 20-21 in Multan.
It is led by Mian Hikmet Shah as chairperson and Taimur Rahman (of Laal fame) as secretary-general till a congress scheduled in September is held to elect the new leadership.
The CMKP continues to function as a separate political party on a Marxist-Leninist platform.
Recently it gave its complete support to the peasants 'long march' in Punjab through its party cadres, as well as through its cultural offshoot, the Laal pop group.