Mines of the Sor Range
August 27, 2012

Coal is one of Balochistan’s main natural resources, and coal mining began here during British colonial times. The majority of coal miners come from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa area, and they work as contracted labourers. Unsound safety and security conditions have made life very difficult for the non-local miners. - Photos and text by Mukhtar Azad
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Aug 28, 2012 09:18am
These colonial era trolleys that bring out coal sacks from inside the mine were powered by small motors when they were introduced, and are still functioning today ? but without the motors. They are now pushed by hand....The British left the subcontinent 65 years back and even after so many years using their existing technology is considered outdated - but hear we have moved backward and using them without motors!!!
Aug 28, 2012 10:46am
I filmed my documentary film on the working conditions of coal miners in pakistan during my academic period in 2008 as my final year thesis...........plz watch this too..........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7CwA-XLn5g
Aug 28, 2012 05:20pm
Aslam, non of us are surprised. The world may be surprised to see this, but non of us (Pakistanis) are surprised. We need leadership that understands the issues and is capable of placing the priorities of its citizenry at core. Enforce regulations, invest in infrastructure and everyone will reap the rewards via higher output. Its basic management. We lack that in every institution.