IN her message, Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah warned the people against those who profess or call themselves leaders but who have never given a chance for real democracy to function in the country.
She said; “In a true democratic society the people have to play a very positive and significant role. They must not be mute spectators of what is being done in their name and on their behalf with regard to the conduct of the affairs of the State. The people are the real sovereign power. It is for them to see that the organs of the State function in consonance with their will and wishes.”
She advised the people: “When you see evidence of deviation from your cherished ideals and values or find things going wrong it is not only your right but your duty to create by all legitimate means open to you a climate of opinion which would rectify errors and compel respect for the people’s wishes and aspirations.”
Emphasising the power of public opinion, Miss Fatima Jinnah said: “If you recapture your soul and galvanise your energies with faith in your country and your ideology you will be releasing such currents of thought and action as can change the entire face of the country and set it on the road to progress and prosperity.
“This again brings us to the example of the Quaid-e-Azam [who], though possessed of unlimited power and glory which he could have used as he pleased, never swerved by even a hair’s breadth from the correct democratic and constitutional conduct. He had faith in the people; he respected their feelings, wishes and urges. In return he received a measure of support and loyalty which has vested his memory with immortal glory. Here is a lesson for every one of us.”