Photo taken on June 8, 2011 shows Tohoku University professor Hideo Ohno with a silicon wafer featuring large scale integrated circuits (LSI’s) in Tokyo. Japanese Tohoku University professor Hideo Ohno and electronics giant NEC have developed the world’s first content addressable memory (CAM), using spintronics logic integrated circuit technology, enabling it to maintain non-volatile operation when processing and storing data while its power is off, enabling electronic devices to start instantly and consume zero electricity while in standby mode. – AFP Photo

TOKYO: Japanese researchers said Monday they had developed the technology to stop power being consumed by personal computers, televisions and other electronic devices when they are in standby mode.

NEC Corp. and Tohoku University said they aim to bring the new semiconductor technology into practical use within five years, potentially reducing the estimated two per cent of household electricty wasted through the standby mode.

Currently, electronic devices that are plugged into power outlets receive a constant flow of electricity to hold data -- even when switched off.

The new technology is based on “spintronics” which exploits the intrinsic spin of electrons and its associated magnetic moment. Electrons act as magnets that can read and write data.

The data is retained even if the flow of electricity is completely cut off.

NEC said it hoped that the new technology would help cut power consumption by “around 25 per cent at large data centres” equipped with many computers.



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