Masood Lohar

Privatising life

Privatising life

The state’s inability to meet people’s basic needs is a betrayal of trust. Published 17 Aug, 2024 07:38am
Seismic perils

Seismic perils

Recent tremors in Karachi are a reminder of seismic risks. Published 17 Jun, 2024 05:31am
Blood carbon

Blood carbon

There is a call for a paradigm shift in carbon credit systems. Published 19 Mar, 2024 08:03am
Climate action

Climate action

Progress at COP28 has made the event unique. Published 12 Dec, 2023 06:55am
Karachi’s biophilia

Karachi’s biophilia

The shift to urbanisation results in biodiversity loss. Published 29 Nov, 2023 07:12am
Out of breath

Out of breath

Air pollution is casting a pall of gloom over several cities. Published 14 Nov, 2023 07:30am
Life is elsewhere

Life is elsewhere

The prevailing attitude is one of self-interest. Published 27 Sep, 2023 07:00am
Hospitality, not hostility

Hospitality, not hostility

Pakistan has not put its natural, cultural and historical assets to good use. Updated 26 Aug, 2023 09:05am
Drowning thirsty

Drowning thirsty

By 2025, a mind-boggling 207m people may face an ‘absolute scarcity of water’. Published 08 Aug, 2023 08:28am
Resketching Karachi

Resketching Karachi

Mayor Wahab’s journey mustn’t follow the beaten track. Updated 26 Jul, 2023 09:32am
Missing resilience

Missing resilience

The transformation of Karachi’s landscape has left little room for disaster resilience. Updated 13 Jun, 2023 09:13am