In the early years of post-Iqbal history of Urdu poetry, one finds two distinct streams flowing alongside each other — the two...
Published18 Aug, 202410:01am
Like Ghalib and Faiz before him, Sarmad Sehbai is a master of visual image construction in Urdu poetry and his new collection is
Updated14 Jul, 202412:26pm
“Truth is, without an unconditional acknowledgement of the poetic virtues of Akhtar Shirani, an honest history of Urdu literature
Published14 Apr, 202407:29am
It is often forgotten that, in a social setting, we generally live under the tall shadows of constructed realities. But to say...
Published11 Feb, 202409:22am
One of the towering giants in the rich domain of the Karbala elegiac art of marsiya, Mirza Salamat Ali Dabir, had at one place...
Published06 Aug, 202308:54am
While we find a colossus of contra-Muslim literature in the mediaeval Latin West on the one hand, there is also to be found pro...
Updated04 Jun, 202302:24pm
Experts tell us there are at least 200 versions of the text in more than 50 languages. However, standard accounts of the fable’...
Updated30 Jan, 202310:03am
This is Mir Taqi Mir, invoking the candle and moth symbolism — something ubiquitous in classical Urdu poetry. Indeed, it is found
Published27 Nov, 202206:23am
I have written more than once about a fascinating, deeply meaningful and yet, at first glance, somewhat odd beseeching of a very
Published01 May, 202210:01am
This is how Faiz softens human suffering, turning chains into silk threads. It is supremely remarkable that here is an acti...
Updated24 Oct, 202111:45am