We could honor Malala by rediscovering authentic individual voices. Don’t wait for a gruesome attack to read these quiet words.
Published15 Oct, 2012 11:10am
My argument has been to retrain journalists to present news that is dramatic, but that isn’t necessarily negative, writes Caroline Jaine.
Published01 Oct, 2012 09:19am
The perception of Karachi by the media is often presented as a violent city – its plurality, commercial centres and hospitable inhabitants overlooked.
Published17 Sep, 2012 04:12pm
The arrival of migrants inevitably has an effect on British society. The food, language and culture changes – and that is something to be celebrated.
Published03 Sep, 2012 11:24am
The Myanmar riots really have come at a bad time. Now, any good news on the country will be forced to carry the caveat of murder.
Published30 Jul, 2012 07:02am
It feels as if at last the Olympics are beginning to be about the people and the sport – not about the security concerns.
Published02 Jul, 2012 04:59pm
During refugee week, let’s look a little differently at Fata and KP and not get caught up in the media stereotyping of an area – and if possible, hear the voices of people.
Published18 Jun, 2012 03:31pm
There is fierce debate about whether art changes or simply reflects society but there is no doubt that it contributes positively to debate and open society.
Published04 Jun, 2012 02:13pm
The Nazis, like the Taliban, the USSR, Qin Dynasty, Pinochet’s regime and many others had policies of burning books. Perhaps because they understood that the pen is mightier than the sword.
Published07 May, 2012 07:11am
“While there is an absolute elation for the Oscar success of ‘Saving Face', there is also a dark feeling in the pit of my stomach which asks why for this film?”
Published16 Apr, 2012 04:19pm