Ian Cobain

How the British empire hid its past

LONDON: The full extent of the destruction of Britain’s colonial government records during the retreat from empire... Published 30 Nov, 2013 07:35am

Report on British torture post-9/11 still not published

LONDON: An official report into Britain’s involvement in rendition and torture since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US has yet to be published more than nine months after it was completed and delivered to the British Published 06 Apr, 2013 08:18am

Troops recount rights abuses in Iraq

BRITISH soldiers and air personnel who helped to operate a secretive US detention facility in Baghdad that was at the centre of some of the most serious human-rights abuses to occur in Iraq after the invasion have, Published 03 Apr, 2013 02:26am

CIA rendition: litigation looms for UK, other European states

Up to two dozen European countries, including the UK, could face proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights for their involvement in the CIA’s extraordinary rendition operations after 9/11, according to a human rights organisation that has docu Published 07 Feb, 2013 12:00am

Iraqis want inquiry into ‘British military abuse’

ALLEGATIONS that British troops in Iraq were responsible for the widespread and systemic abuse of detainees through “terrifying acts of brutality, abuse and intimidation” were raised in the high court in London on Tuesday as lawyers Published 31 Jan, 2013 03:16am

Court cases could end up rewriting history of British empire

LONDON: There was dancing in the streets of Nairobi earlier this month when three elderly Kenyans won an unexpected legal victory in London. They had been granted the right to sue the British government over the horrific ordeals they suffered during the M Published 30 Oct, 2012 01:13am

Mau Mau torture case — Kenyans win ruling against UK

LONDON: Three elderly Kenyans have won an historic legal victory over the British government after the high court in London gave them permission to claim damages for the grave abuses they suffered when imprisoned during the Mau Mau rebellion. Published 06 Oct, 2012 02:46am

Conduct of UK troops

THE British Ministry of Defence (MoD) is facing a further series of court battles that may shed more damaging light... Published 05 Jul, 2010 12:00am

UK seen linked to torture

UNITED Nations human rights investigators have concluded the British government has been complicit in the... Published 29 Jan, 2010 12:00am

Guantanamo cover-up

US government officials may have conspired to conceal evidence that three Guantanamo Bay inmates could have been... Published 20 Jan, 2010 12:00am

Silence over torture

THE British Foreign Office has admitted failing to make complaints on behalf of British nationals who say they have... Published 18 Mar, 2009 12:00am

The secrets of the London Cage

LONDON: Kensington Palace Gardens is one of the most exclusive, and expensive, addresses in the world: its stately... Published 13 Nov, 2005 12:00am