SECP’s initiative about NBFCs Overall, the proposed regulatory amendments are positive, but sadly appear not to have tackled the issues related to Published 16 Mar, 2015 06:50am
Making gas wellhead power plants feasible The petroleum ministry announced recently that the government had allowed the installation of power plants on 46 gas Published 12 Jan, 2015 06:03am
Move for PIA’s restructuring The Economic Coordination Committee of the Cabinet, approved the release of the first tranche of $16.46m for PIA Updated 15 Dec, 2014 07:32am
Dismal water scenario The Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources says the country, once having surplus water, now has a water deficit Updated 24 Nov, 2014 07:50am
Progress on solar power projects To minimise distribution losses, solar electricity may not be fed into the national grid and instead used in areas Published 03 Nov, 2014 06:47am
Protecting financial consumers The central bank is urged to link the minimum rate of profit with the inflation rate so that depositors receive a Published 13 Oct, 2014 06:25am
Upgrading bagasse-based power plants The sugarcane crushing season normally lasts 120-150 days. Updated 08 Oct, 2014 01:34pm
Draft rules for credit rating companies The draft rules require any new credit rating company to have a minimum equity of Rs100m. Published 11 Aug, 2014 06:15am
Punjab’s coal power initiatives The EoIs invited by the Punjab Power Company indicates that Punjab is following the federal security package framework. Updated 21 Jul, 2014 10:34am
Mega projects — avoiding pitfalls The fast-track mega energy projects are proposed to be procured from tied sources without any competitive bidding Published 23 Jun, 2014 06:11am