KARACHI, April 13: A critically slow pace of work at the Sindh labour department can be imagined from the fact that its inspectors and field officers could register, or detect, only 82 factories under The Factory Act,
Published14 Apr, 2013 01:01am
KARACHI, March 24: While waiting for issuance of a notification of relevant rules, the Sindh welfare department expects to make the Sindh Child Protection Authority (SCPA) — a legal body aimed at monitoring
Published25 Mar, 2013 07:00am
KARACHI, Dec 9: After a pause of a few weeks, work at Civil Hospital Karachi’s new trauma centre began anew after around Rs184 million was diverted to the project over a week ago, Dawn has learnt.
Published10 Dec, 2012 02:49am
KARACHI, Nov 23: The Sindh health department may take three more weeks to include the much-awaited pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) in its routine free immunisation service for children across the province, it emerged on Friday.
Published23 Nov, 2012 08:21pm
KARACHI, Nov 21: Karachi reported its first polio case of the year on Wednesday, when the national health authorities confirmed poliovirus in an 18-month-old boy living in UC 11 of Liaquatabad, bringing the total
Published22 Nov, 2012 01:45am
KARACHI, Nov 20: Several doctors’ bodies on Tuesday announced their plans for province-wide and country-wide protests, including suspension of duties, if the protesting doctors of Balochistan were not released and cases against them were not withdrawn
Published20 Nov, 2012 07:35pm
KARACHI, Nov 11: The Civil Hospital Karachi burns centre — the only referral health unit for burn injuries across the province — has witnessed an alarming increase in the number of admissions of electrical burn cases in recent years.
Published11 Nov, 2012 08:12pm
KARACHI, Nov 10: While assessing the knowledge and perception of parents in Karachi about polio vaccine during two sub-national immunisation drives in Sept to Oct 2011, researchers found that the refusals were
Published10 Nov, 2012 08:21pm
KARACHI, Oct 26: Recent heavy rains and the ensuing flood in five districts of the upper region of the province have damaged 86 health facilities, it emerged on Friday.
Published26 Oct, 2012 08:05pm
KARACHI, Oct 19: The Karachi Water and Sewerage Board and the provincial health department decided on Friday that the final report about the quality of water would be issued by the KWSB laboratory and district health offices will stop
Published19 Oct, 2012 08:18pm
KARACHI, Oct 13: Two days ahead of the launch of a three-day nationwide polio vaccination campaign, set to begin on Oct 15, area supervisors of the drive in Gulberg Town have threatened to boycott all anti-polio activities if the son of one of their colle
Published13 Oct, 2012 08:35pm
With the two newly reported deaths, the total number of patients died due to the brain-eating amoeba reached 10 since May.
Published08 Oct, 2012 12:28am
KARACHI, Oct 3: The death of a young man caused by waterborne Naegleria meningitis has heightened concerns about the quality of water people consume in the city.
Published03 Oct, 2012 08:24pm
KARACHI, Sept 23: While the situation in Karachi demands the immediate establishment of state-of-the-art emergency treatment facilities, a much-needed trauma and accident and emergency centre at the Civil
Published24 Sep, 2012 02:45am
KARACHI, Sept 16: After remaining a part of the convoys of VVIPs for many months, the new ventilator-fitted ambulance bought for over Rs6 million has now returned to the parking lot of the Civil Hospital Karachi after it developed a major fault, it emerge
Published16 Sep, 2012 07:12pm
KARACHI, Sept 13: With bodies of 82 victims of the Baldia factory blaze still unidentified, the Sindh health department collected around 65 blood samples from the victims’ relatives for DNA analysis on Thursday.
Published14 Sep, 2012 02:27am
KARACHI, Sept 10: A three-day anti-polio campaign under the sub-national immunisation days (SNIDs) began in Karachi on Monday amid security concerns for front-line polio eradication workers and non-payment of their dues
Published10 Sep, 2012 08:04pm