APOLOGISTS may downplay it, but the fact is that power is the core attribute of a state, defining its position in international politics by giving it the leverage to influence other states.
Published22 Apr, 2013 05:05am
THE term “national security” is heard often but there is little comprehension of its integral component, the concept of national security uncertainty.
Published01 Apr, 2013 01:02am
THE Investigation for Fair Trial Bill, 2012 has drawn a lot of attention as it allows certain law-enforcement agencies to use modern evidence-gathering techniques and devices against suspected militants and
Published18 Feb, 2013 08:03pm
THE criminal justice system of Pakistan stands on three pillars: investigation, prosecution and the judiciary. In a case registered under the Anti-Terrorist Act (ATA), 1997, the trial courts are the anti-terrorism courts
Published20 Jan, 2013 10:03pm
CONCEPTUALLY, anti-terrorism laws usually include specific amendments allowing the state to bypass its own legislations when fighting terrorism-related crimes, on the grounds of necessity. Because of this
Published31 Dec, 2012 03:04am
LITIGATION that is tangential to hard-core terrorism accounts for a huge proportion of cases tried in the Anti Terrorism Courts (ATCs) and thus takes up a correspondingly large proportion of both time and resources.
Published10 Dec, 2012 12:15am
THE Anti-Terrorist Act 1997(ATA) was amended by many ordinances, but since ordinances are a temporary phenomenon, with their lapsing the same old ATA remains with its many flaws.
Published24 Nov, 2012 10:02pm
SOME time ago, a Pakistani court acquitted nine men who had been on trial for the February 2008 suicide attack which killed the Pakistan Army’s surgeon-general, Lt-Gen Mushtaq Ahmed Baig, in Rawalpindi’s Garrison area.
Published19 Nov, 2012 12:15am
THERE is empirical evidence to suggest that non-violent radicalism, or what some analysts call ‘virtual radicalism’, not only exists in Pakistani society to a considerable extent but is also on the rise.
Published08 Oct, 2012 12:15am
AMONGST the biggest problems Pakistan faces is a very basic challenge which is sometimes conveniently forgotten — that of the population boom. Pakistan is one of five countries in the world where every generation
Published16 Sep, 2012 09:04pm
PAKISTAN’S ranking on the World Bank’s political stability index dropped sharply in 2006 and 2007 before stabilising somewhat during 2007 and 2008.
Published26 Aug, 2012 10:04pm
THE theory of ‘just war’ is a widely used paradigm for analysing the morality of international relations, specifically warfare.
Published06 Aug, 2012 12:10am
WE tend to think that terrorists are the ‘others’, people who cannot belong in a civilised society structure. It is also tempting to assume that terrorists must necessarily be evil, deluded or homicidal misfits who are the products of poverty, ignorance a
Published16 Jul, 2012 02:05am
OVER the years, studies have suggested that an extensive military response to terrorism may temporarily increase terrorist activity rather than cause it to decrease permanently. Walter Enders and
Published25 Jun, 2012 02:04am
IN a report titled ‘The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism,’ published in 1999 by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress
Published04 Jun, 2012 12:15am
IT could be asked why two countries that gained independence at same time grow at varying rates. There are three schools of thought about this, one of the leading ones relating to institutional economics. This
Published14 May, 2012 12:04am