NEIGHBOURS: SO, WHAT HAPPENS TO HINDUTVA NOW? It is not easy to undo deep polarisation introduced into society due to organised hatred Published 23 Jun, 2024 08:07am
Is it safe to be a communal peace hero in India? Creating an awareness for amity that overcomes negative perceptions is a great challenge for today's India. Published 04 Aug, 2015 12:43pm
Bhakti and Sufi: Uniting humanity in India and Pakistan The divisive-exclusionary versions of religions have to be ignored for the better of humanity. Published 03 May, 2015 11:37am
Thoughts on a rise in India's Muslim population Inception of new members into the Muslim community is not a likely reason. Neither is aversion to family planning. Updated 24 Apr, 2015 08:01pm
Green and saffron: The colours of division in India How do we deal with a situation where divisiveness created by communal politics is ruling the roost? Updated 17 Apr, 2015 10:47am
India should say no to the RSS version of history Whether in India or Pakistan, communal historiography serves only the political agenda of religious nationalism. Updated 06 Apr, 2015 01:21pm
Politicising the holy cow, alienating India's minorities Misconceptions such as 'Cow is Holy for Hindus: Muslims kill her!' have become a part of ‘social common sense’ in India. Updated 05 Mar, 2015 05:16pm
Does India belong to the Hindus alone? Times in India are changing fast with the RSS progeny emboldened by a Modi-BJP government. Updated 18 Feb, 2015 09:22am