Richard Wachman

How Goldman Sachs sees 2012

WALL Street investment bank Goldman Sachs, one of the world`s biggest commodity trading firms, has issued its predictions for 2012 as markets brace themselves for a new year slump Published 23 Dec, 2011 07:49pm

Wages: the ‘new’ inequality

“THE average age at death among the people of the West End [of London] is 55 years; the average age at death among the people of the East End is 30 years.” So wrote American author Jack London back in 1903. Published 20 Nov, 2011 07:26pm

Regulation, not bailouts

THE public will not stand for another taxpayer bailout of the banks and the government should consider radical ... Published 31 Mar, 2010 12:00am

`Bad bank` to buy bad loans

Britain`s banks are close to revealing writedowns of at least £40bn as the financial crisis looks to be entering a... Published 20 Jan, 2009 12:00am

Quick fixes cannot mend fiscal damages

LONDON How naive many of us were last autumn to have thought that the collapse of the British bank Northern Rock and... Published 22 Sep, 2008 12:00am

Russia`s Opec bear hug

AS if the prospect of a global recession isn`t enough, consider the latest threat to world economic stability an... Published 16 Sep, 2008 12:00am

Google is losing its popularity

LONDON: Is Google becoming the new Microsoft? On one level, the question is preposterous, as the two companies do... Published 27 Mar, 2007 12:00am