In 1945 Jinnah said, "Pakistan is a matter of life or death for us". That statement probably means more today than it did then.
Published11 May, 2013 06:02pm
I didn’t know what that meant. Not having enough money, being unhappy with your life; with problems like that, you can’t sleep at all!
Published30 Mar, 2013 04:16pm
By saying “It may offend some of our readers” you are patronising your own people and making assumptions on their behalf.
Published11 Mar, 2013 12:51pm
"I understand people need to talk but if everybody just said half of what they intended to say, I might take more notice."
Published16 Feb, 2013 09:33am
A good strong positive mother could spew lots of James Bonds’ and a weak, negative role model could spew a million Jack the Rippers’.
Published02 Feb, 2013 12:35pm
These days everything is a competition, we all want to hit the jackpot, everyone wants to win, even when there’s no prize.
Published19 Jan, 2013 12:52pm
People expressing their every second on social forums will ultimately dilute the unspoken mystery that exists between human beings.
Published29 Dec, 2012 02:06pm
It’s only when I meet people from years ago that memories start coming back. Was I once the head of a Mexican drug cartel?
Published01 Dec, 2012 10:52am
There is no such thing as the ‘English Dream’ because people in England don’t dream, they do, they do a lot, writes Shazia Mirza.
Published06 Oct, 2012 01:13pm