The incidence of over-treating people from asthma to breast cancer, from high blood pressure to low bone density is on a dramatic rise.
Published21 Jan, 201310:52am
A look at the broader picture shows that medicine, as conventionally practiced, has failed to meet effectively many of the challenges of modern health care.
Published31 Dec, 201211:15am
Failure to eradicate polio from the last remaining strongholds could result in as many as 200,000 new cases every year, within 10 years, all over the world.
Published25 Dec, 201206:47am
Less than a month after Sandy, the United States is as defiant as ever in regards to accepting responsibility as the biggest polluter of the world.
Published03 Dec, 201211:55am
Patients die from a lack of something as simple and inexpensive as a paracetamol to over use of expensive fourth generation antibiotics.
Published15 Oct, 201212:10pm
There is an urgent need to bring academia and well trained pharmacy professionals at the state level of public health in Pakistan.
Published08 Oct, 201204:20am
In the past 60 years, more than 70 per cent of all newly emerging infectious diseases in humans have originated from animals.
Published24 Sep, 201202:10pm
Pasteurisation of dairy products indeed is the single most effective means to prevent the spread of tuberculosis in human beings.
Published17 Sep, 201209:40am
Withdrawn ‘wonder drug’ Thalidomide linked to birth defects has resurfaced after almost 50 years for the treatment of leprosy.
Published10 Sep, 201210:06am
Institutions that should be contributing towards transparency in the health sector in Pakistan are themselves victims of the deficiencies they seek to address.
Published03 Sep, 201212:53pm
Pharmacists are arguably the most important missing link in the provision of quality medicines and their safe usage today in Pakistan.
Published27 Aug, 201206:36am
The exploitation of the grey area between legal and illegal drugs allows the flow of huge sums of money to reach illicit traders and manufacturers.
Published13 Aug, 201208:01am
It is a spectacular failure on part of so many people therein – voters, politicians and development experts and workers – that poverty exists and persists.
Published06 Aug, 201211:06am
Of all the functions related to drug regulation, the most important factor for its success in Pakistan is who is charged to lead it.
Published30 Jul, 201209:12am
Making TB a notifiable disease would make it mandatory for the government to ensure fair distribution of resources to treat all patients for free.
Published23 Jul, 201206:03pm
The major challenge in confronting health systems today is to tip the balance away from health services that are doctor-dominated.
Published16 Jul, 201206:42pm