A pioneering Pakistani book provides self-care toolkits to foster emotional intelligence and mental well-being among adolescents
Published14 Jul, 202408:57am
While legislation continues to take place against sexual violence, implementation remains an issue, with sexual awareness still
Published21 Apr, 202408:19am
Social media has played a pivotal role in raising awareness about the atrocities in Palestine. However, the constant exposure to
Published31 Dec, 202309:27am
A quick-read of a ‘psychological thriller’ novel is weighed down by unfathomable characterisation and poor narrative choices
Published22 Oct, 202308:20am
A candid autobiography of flawed cricketing superstar Wasim Akram can be disingenuous at times around some issues, but is also...
Published09 Jul, 202307:57am
June 18 is Autism Pride Day. An estimated 350,000 children in Pakistan have Autism Spectrum Disorder, which requires complex...
Published11 Jun, 202307:20am
A new mental health app launched by the government is a laudable initiative in a country with a burgeoning demand and inadequa...
Published16 Apr, 202307:10am
With a surge in suicide cases in Pakistan, or at least in media coverage of them, it is imperative for schools and parent...
Published26 Feb, 202307:06am
A recent viral video of an incident documenting bullying has alarmed many in the country about just how pervasive bullying has...
Published12 Feb, 202306:45am
Celebrated Japanese author Sayaka Murata’s collection of short stories takes on outlandish concepts, but makes them believable...
Published13 Nov, 202208:28am
The psychological effects of the devastation caused by the floods are more drastic among children, women and the elderly...
Published13 Nov, 202207:33am
Why do trolls find pleasure in harassing and cyberbullying strangers online and what factors perpetuate this damaging behaviour?
Published21 Aug, 202212:14pm
The true nature of epilepsy has long been distorted by myths, fear and mistaken notions about the common neurological disorder...
Published12 Jun, 202209:28am
Festivals focusing on wellness, mental health and awareness are welcome alternatives to the usual entertainment offerings.
Published07 Apr, 202211:47am
A recent incidence of homicide by a gamer has sparked debate on whether video games are inciting violence in the youth or whet...
Published13 Feb, 202209:36am
Can the renewed interest in the use of psychedelic drugs for mental health treatments in the West find potential in the paucity of
Published02 Jan, 202208:43am
In Saad Shafqat’s vibrant and page-turner medical drama, two surgeons find themselves pitted against each other for the...
Published12 Dec, 202106:54am