Regulating hydrocarbons Unlike the rest of the world, the regulatory and policy-making functions are not separate in Pakistan. Updated 07 Jan, 2019 08:59am
Overcoming circular debt The government should be concerned about the sustained erosion of PSO’s competitive advantage. Updated 04 Sep, 2018 08:40am
Pakistan’s renewable energy agenda We need an energy agenda that is based on small-scale solar technologies for the vulnerable, greater transparency... Published 20 Aug, 2018 07:07am
Rooftop solar revolution: giving power to the consumer There is a silent revolution going on in Pakistan: the rooftop solar energy revolution. Updated 10 May, 2018 11:35am
The unsavoury truth about bitcoin mining Generating just one bitcoin consumes as much electricity as an average Pakistani household does in three years. Published 26 Feb, 2018 09:47am
Predictive policymaking is the only game-changer The last fifty years have been truly breathtaking. They have reassured us that whatever challenges we face, we can... Published 21 Aug, 2017 07:12am
The arrival of clean energy in Pakistan Solar PV and LED lighting solutions are fast becoming pervasive in both rural and urban areas. Updated 07 Jul, 2017 09:58am
In defence of renewables Wind generally blows during the night time and if combined well with solar can give a powerful solution to intermittency Published 16 May, 2016 06:44am