If businesses are not taxed, taxes on salaried people will either have to be raised very sharply, or taxes on fuel and electricity will have to do the job.
Updated06 Mar, 202509:42am
The idea is that with rising competition for control over the system’s resources, staying within budgetary allocations becomes...
Updated16 Jan, 202508:56am
Never mind these lumbering vision statements. Instead, focus sharply on a few areas where there is a high likelihood of success.
Updated02 Jan, 202509:16am
The year 2024 now asks us whether we can embark on building a better Pakistan in 2025, one that can grow without overheating.
Updated02 Jan, 202506:34pm
It is not a good idea to go into 2025 with too much optimism. The hard-won stability of 2024 will prove testing in the new year.
Updated26 Dec, 202408:57am
It is possible to see the same reflexes, which drove earlier liquidity-fuelled growth booms, beginning to express themselves.
Updated12 Dec, 202409:36am
The Pakistani authorities have done the right thing to not grant the request for an expanded Chinese security presence in the country.
Updated14 Nov, 202409:40am