Once upon a time, there was a boy named Arif. He was a popular student in his school, not because he was good in...
Published 11 Feb, 2023 06:26am
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Abyan, who was 13 years old. Abyan used to play with his friends a lot...
Published 23 Jul, 2022 02:26pm
Once upon a time, there was a person named Suleman.
Published 11 Sep, 2021 07:31am
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Raheel who was 12 years old.
Published 01 May, 2021 06:00am
One upon a time there was a boy named Saad who was very smart not only in his studies, but also in curriculum...
Published 03 Oct, 2020 07:02am
One upon a time, there were two brothers Waqar and Ahmed, who lived with their parents.
Published 14 Mar, 2020 07:10am
Two best friends, Abdullah and Asad, studied together in 10th grade. Abdullah was a talented student and always got...
Published 12 Oct, 2019 07:00am
Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Hamza who ate healthy food.
Published 09 Feb, 2019 07:04am