IRAN has hired a controversial French lawyer to file a lawsuit against Hollywood over a series of films, including Ben Affleck’s Oscar-winning Argo, that have allegedly portrayed the country in a distorted and
Published14 Mar, 2013 03:35am
FILMGOERS troubled by factual inaccuracies in the hostage thriller Argo are advised to hold fire until The General Staff arrives to set the record straight.
Published14 Jan, 2013 12:00am
IN the final year of the Iran-Iraq war, Ayatollah Khomeini faced a dilemma: whether to bend to domestic and international pressure and accept a ceasefire or continue with the increasingly futile “holy defence” that was bringing heavy casualties. Opting fo
Published12 Oct, 2012 10:01pm
LONDON: For Fatemeh, the pill she takes twice a day in her home in Iran means the difference between life and death. Earlier this summer when she contacted her friend Mohammad in the US to say she was running
Published12 Aug, 2012 03:36am
TEHRAN: The people of Iran should not be held to account for wrongdoing by their regime — and yet, that is what is happening as western countries impose ever-tighter sanctions.Sanctions are pushing ordinary Iranians to the edge of poverty, destroying the
Published13 Jul, 2012 02:58am
THE idea of an international book festival in Tehran might sound incongruous. Leaders of the Islamic republic are no great book enthusiasts. Numerous writers are banned and as one of the world’s
Published04 May, 2012 12:05am