A DRAFT Corporate Rehabilitation Act (‘draft CRA’), based on Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code, has been in...
Published 12 Dec, 2013 07:30am
A JUDGMENT based on a reading of history inevitably exposes the court to questions of selectivity and partiality. Such judgments are best avoided.
Published 02 Nov, 2012 12:10am
A FEW minutes before the Supreme Court reassembled to announce its short order in Asghar Khan’s case, Gen Durrani (retd), sitting next to me in the courtroom, muttered audibly, “I didn’t think I would end this way”. He looked ordinary and frail. Was he ev
Published 31 Oct, 2012 12:05am
IN rendering its judgment in the 1973 case of the Indian Supreme Court adopted a novel theory of judicial review of...
Published 15 Oct, 2010 12:00am
THE acceptance by the Supreme Court of the basic structure or basic features doctrine as a basis for declaring a...
Published 25 May, 2010 12:00am