Costas Lapavitsas

Germany’s austerity to cause more crises in EU

LONDON: Has the eurozone crisis ended? Many politicians in Europe, including France’s president Francois Hollande, seem to think so. Well, not so fast. Far from ending, the crisis is yet to reach its most difficult phase. Published 28 Dec, 2012 12:05am

Eurozone has crossed the Rubicon

THE June summit of the eurozone was initially trumpeted as a decisive step towards resolving the crisis. Italy and Spain won agreement to allow European institutions to recapitalise banks and purchase sovereign debt directly. Published 18 Jul, 2012 12:00am

Why Europe needs Greece

THE clear winner of the recent Greek elections is Syriza, a coalition of left-wing organisations active for several years. The fascist Golden Dawn party has also made stunning gains but its rise, disturbing as it Published 14 May, 2012 12:00am