Mahnoor Rehan

Story time: Bryan’s awakening

Story time: Bryan’s awakening

As soon as Bryan walked into his grandmother’s house, he could smell the delicious aroma of freshly baked cookies... Published 07 Sep, 2024 06:20am
Story time: Max’s guilt

Story time: Max’s guilt

Max loved playing with his friends and, in toys, he loved building structures from Legos. One day, he was going to... Published 07 Sep, 2024 06:20am
Socialising made easy

Socialising made easy

Life is full of action and activity once again — the schools have reopened. Whether you welcome escaping the... Published 24 Aug, 2024 07:39am
Story Time: Goal Achieved

Story Time: Goal Achieved

“Come on, Alex! Hurry, we’re gonna be late!” Alex quickly tied her shoelaces and ran to her teammate, as they... Published 17 Aug, 2024 08:55am
Story time: The family holiday

Story time: The family holiday

As soon as the school bell rang, signalling the start of summer break, Caitlyn’s classroom flooded with excited... Published 06 Jul, 2024 07:50am
Advice: Reset your routine

Advice: Reset your routine

After a couple of months filled to the brim with assignments, work and exams; you might have no motivation or energy... Published 08 Jun, 2024 07:58am
Story time: Walentyna’s residence

Story time: Walentyna’s residence

The pond of Walentyna’s residence glistened under the moonlight as I swiftly made my way across the well-groomed... Published 24 Dec, 2022 07:01am
Story time: Examination deceit

Story time: Examination deceit

The girl in front of me swished her long auburn curls and her head rotated. She gave me a sour look, rolled her eyes. Now,... Published 17 Dec, 2022 07:51am
Story time: A euphoric victory

Story time: A euphoric victory

I woke up abruptly. Grabbing my phone to check the time, I realised the alarm hadn’t even rung yet. I heaved a ... Published 19 Mar, 2022 06:55am
Story Time: The blue skates

Story Time: The blue skates

She drew on her helmet and bolted away. Being a pro bike rider, Kaylin was certain that she could make it. Published 01 Jan, 2022 07:32am