Ammar H Khan

Utilising indigenous energy sources

Utilising indigenous energy sources

The capacity problem plaguing the power sector is a debt problem, which can be resolved through interventions targeting debt. Updated 26 Aug, 2024 09:03am
Making sense of electricity prices

Making sense of electricity prices

For consumers using more than 200 units of electricity, the increase in month-on-month tariff is in the range of 7pc to 9pc. Updated 08 Jul, 2024 12:55pm
The ‘cash cow’ of bakra-onomy

The ‘cash cow’ of bakra-onomy

More than $1bn worth of cash was sloshing around in the three weeks leading up to Eidul Azha without any documentation. Updated 24 Jun, 2024 09:01am
Budget review: Taxing the taxed … again

Budget review: Taxing the taxed … again

At a time when real capital is stranded in unproductive segments like real estate, losing intellectual capital through excessive taxation measures is akin to killing the goose for the golden egg. Published 12 Jun, 2024 11:12pm
Solar net metering policy discontent

Solar net metering policy discontent

Current electricity pricing regime subsidises wealthy, solar power generating households while shifting cost burden on the grid-dependent citizens. Published 13 May, 2024 08:55am
Reforming electricity distribution companies

Reforming electricity distribution companies

Eliminating a national uniform tariff while allowing well-managed Discos to move towards privatisation can minimise T&D losses, making electricity more affordable. Published 08 Apr, 2024 07:06am
Pay gap — the case of Pakistan

Pay gap — the case of Pakistan

Closing the gender wage gap necessitates providing equal educational attainment and economic opportunities for women. Updated 11 Mar, 2024 09:43am
Circular debt’s curse

Circular debt’s curse

The government and its entities are the sole buyers of electricity and gas in the country while also setting its prices. Published 26 Feb, 2024 08:44am
Depressed valuations but unloved

Depressed valuations but unloved

Despite compounded inflation of over 100pc over the last five years, PSX’s equity valuations continue to trail even inflation, resulting in severe market undervaluation. Published 19 Feb, 2024 08:13am
Estimating the election economy

Estimating the election economy

Economic activity generated by spending on campaigning during the election run-up could be anywhere from $540m to over $1.3bn. Updated 05 Feb, 2024 12:21pm
An undervalued PSX

An undervalued PSX

As long as the government continues on its debt-induced consumption-oriented binge, the equity markets will remain directionless and choppy. Published 01 Jan, 2024 08:40am
COP28 & Pakistan

COP28 & Pakistan

Borrowing for climate projects with uncertain outcomes will worsen Pakistan’s fragile debt position. Updated 04 Dec, 2023 09:31am
The flight of the rupee

The flight of the rupee

From a purely demand-supply lens, it is clear that the demand for the USD far exceeds the supply that is available. Updated 07 Oct, 2023 09:17pm