LAHORE, Aug 27: Brig Abdul Qayyum Sher (retired), a 1965 war veteran who died after a protracted illness on Monday, was laid to rest at the DHA graveyard here on Tuesday. He was 94. Brig Sher (Hilal-i-Jurrat) will be remembered for his heroics in the re-capture of Wagah position occupied by the Indian army on the other side of BRB Canal.
According to an ISPR release, Brig Sher led the counter offensive on enemy position. He also led his force with such a valour that the enemy despite numerical superiority had to retreat leaving behind over 200 dead and five tanks knocked out.
He kept up the momentum and recovered most of the lost territory by throwing the enemy off-balance, thus the enemy finally succumbed to the determination and courage of his troops. The enemy launched over 20 attacks to recapture the position but its attempts were repulsed with heavy losses.
Brig Sher’s swift manoeuvres surprised enemy commander Maj-Gen Narandan Parsad, who fled leaving behind his jeep and official diary. The general was later sacked by the Indian high command, the news release said.
Qul will be held at 150-B, Phase-1, DHA, after maghrib prayers on Wednesday (today).