Almost the entire country is in the grip of a cold wave, with a number of cities and towns struck by temperatures ranging between -17C and -21C. The federal capital went through its most uncomfortable day in 46 years on Monday as the mercury plunged to three below Celsius. And even Karachi, known for its mild winters, has not been far behind, recording a minimum temperature of six degrees Celsius on Monday.
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Comments (2) Closed
Dec 31, 2013 06:15pm
Summit bank turbat
Dec 31, 2013 06:59pm
It's really very cold here in Khairpur. I never encountered such a sub-zero weather in my entire life-time. Moreover, a careful study of the weather pattern will reveal that the days are warm and are not in proportion to the night temperatures. finally, it's exciting and riveting experience when one expects the scorching heat....Solace!