Govt-TTP talks to discuss recovery of Shahbaz Taseer, Haider Gilani

ISLAMABAD: Rustam Shah, one of the state-committee’s members for peace talks with Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), said Monday that the government had completed its homework for pursuing talks with the banned militant organisation, DawnNews reported.
Rustam added that the government team was planning to hold direct talks with the Taliban tomorrow and had the weather not turned for the worse, then the meeting could have taken place today.
He said the government had also prepared its list of demands.
Sources told DawnNews that the government would negotiate the recovery of former prime minister Yousuf Raza Gilani’s son Syed Ali Haider Gilani, Shahbaz Taseer, the son of former Punjab governor Salman Taseer and Ajmal Khan.
Meanwhile, the Taliban committee’s representative Professor Ibrahim said he was in continuous contact with the government’s negotiators.
He said the date for holding talks would be finalised today.
Earlier, the TTP had proposed its stronghold of North Waziristan as the venue, while the government wanted to hold talks in Bannu.