My ’o my! This will not go down well with the one and only Meera. Or shall we say Meera Jee? Film-maker Sangeeta is known for not holding back any punches, particularly when it comes to our filmi ‘heroines’. Madam Sangeeta, as she is fondly called, has come up with a piece of advice for Meera. She believes the time has come for the actress to do roles according to her age.
In fact, Sangeeta has specified the kind of role Meera should be doing: the older sister of the leading lady. Though the advice is for all those actresses who’ve been working since the ’90s, the director, while talking to an Urdu journo, took the name only of Meera.
This reminds me of a famous line from a Prince song: “Act your age, not your shoe size.” Wink, wink!
Published in Dawn, Sunday Magazine, June 1st, 2014