What defines 'success' in Operation Zarb-i-Azb?
Politicians, analysts and senior journalists weigh in on the operation, beyond the ongoing battle.
July 30, 2014
Politicians, analysts and journalists weigh in on the operation, beyond the ongoing battle.
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1. Widen the operation | 2. Build a counter-terrorism strategy | 3. Solve the IDP crisis | 4. Stop the empty rhetoric | 5. Define goals, timelines | 6. No more 'Good Taliban' | 7. Tackle local resistance | 8. Transfer power to civvies | 9. Target the commanders | 10. Establish writ, change minds | 11. Catch em' all, or...
Comments (26) Closed
event horizon
Jul 30, 2014 02:13pm
Great work Dawn. I hope the people in positions of power and decision making listen to valuable recommendations. Some recommendations: (1) Madressah system needs to be brought under some kind of regulatory mechanism. (2) Society in general needs to be made aware of civilized way of life being in the benefit of all concerned. (3) Shattered institutions need to be rebuild (like decades of political interference in police, education, anti-corruption, judiciary, etc. have made these institutions less effective than they should be. This must be reversed because crumbling institutions increase the distance between the government and people). (4) Bold policy in terms of exposing any foreign involvement. Just saying foreign hand is not enough. Why is everyone in Pakistan writing a Hamood ur Rehman commission report all the time. Name the countries involved and be specific.
Jul 30, 2014 02:18pm
success = 1) get rid of bad taliban 2) become heroes adored by people 3) more funding for military 4) nawaz replaced 5) haqanni network in tact, 6) the good taliban become more compliant.
Daud Khattak
Jul 30, 2014 02:54pm
Winning the trust of the people is key to success.
Over the years, the people of FATA have lost trust in the state's security institutions mainly because of the escape of key militant leaders in operation and their return to the areas soon after the operation is over. We've the examples of Khyber and South Waziristan tribal agencies. People are still living under fear of Taliban despite the operations that dislodged hundreds of thousands of people. Secondly, majority of the pro-government tribal elders, who dared to raise voice against the Taliban, were targeted in daring attacks one by one. They were attacked in their houses, their Hujras, mosques and everywhere. See for example the leaders of anti-Taliban Lashkars. The area of Badhber on the outskirts of Peshawar is under regular Taliban attacks while the police and army are the onlookers. These people are under attack because they raised Lashkars and offered resistance. You may also see the examples of Lashkar leaders in Dir, Swat, Buner, Darra Adamkhel, Kurram, Bara (Khyber Agency), Tirah (Khyber Agency), Bajaur (Salarzai) and Mohmand. This giving credence to the general perception among the people, particularly those coming from FATA, that the military is closing eyes on Taliban attacks against leaders and elders to resist the Taliban. After all, a prominent Pashtun leader from Swat Afzal Khan had once told General Kayani that the army and Taliban are two faces of the same coin.
Looking at the tribal dynamics and the bonds among individuals, clans, tribes and the elders, I am dead sure the tribal people will flush out every single militant from their areas within month once they are assured that the state is serious in eliminating all militants, irrespective of the "good" and "bad". It is the trust that will do the job.
El Cid
Jul 30, 2014 03:02pm
Dismemberment of Pakistan is the de facto objective, as demanded by the Kind Neighbor next door and his Uncle Hegemon. Pakistan's Military is trying to fulfill the order as best it can, as fast as it can...against great odds.
Jul 30, 2014 04:02pm
Please build roads and train tracks!!! bring them closer to pakistan
Jul 30, 2014 05:09pm
Getting the money promised by US once this operation is complete is the sole criteria for success.
Agha Ata
Jul 30, 2014 06:36pm
Success in one battle field is one thing, victory in the entire war is another. What do you mean by beyond the battle field?
sattar Sherani
Jul 30, 2014 06:59pm
I think pak govt must study the vision of quid I azam, allama iqbal, sir syed Ahmed khan and other great heros who worked hard to establish Pakistan in order to make an Islamic republic state where people could live according to the great principles of Islam. 2 . Secondly the government should view the vision of Taliban. If the suporters of Pakistan and the Taliban's views are same then govt must identify the real enemies of Pakistan.
sattar Sherani
Jul 30, 2014 06:59pm
I think pak govt must study the vision of quid I azam, allama iqbal, sir syed Ahmed khan and other great heros who worked hard to establish Pakistan in order to make an Islamic republic state where people could live according to the great principles of Islam. 2 . Secondly the government should view the vision of Taliban. If the suporters of Pakistan and the Taliban's views are same then govt must identify the real enemies of Pakistan.
Jul 30, 2014 08:11pm
Although the military operation came very late nevertheless it has brought a positive reduction in suicide attacks. I think it has been after several years that Ramadan & Eid were celebrated comparatively in peace. I remember only last year suicide bombers killed hundreds of innocent peoples in Peshawar, Karachi & other cities of Pakistan. The real success of the operation will come when the TTP commanders get killed. Pakistan should ask US to pressurize Afghan government to handover these TTP leaders now believed to be hiding in Afghanistan. The world should understand well that these criminals are no friend to anyone, only their total elimination can insure a lasting peace in Pakistan & elsewhere.
Jul 30, 2014 08:17pm
Establishing writ of law is success. Whatever your ideology - no one can be allowed to impose their way of life on others. To each his own - provided they live within the parameters of the law as laid down by the country they are part off.
syed zahid hussain
Jul 30, 2014 09:18pm
Yes whole pakistan need operation.Mostly all jouranlisartal parties and political pa.rties should on one stage that action should be taken inwhole pakiatan also the mind set prevailing in the country the private Lasker must be finished only our pak army prevail in country.Our army knows well to protect the country our inteligence know well about all culprits Lasker so what they are doing very well to safe pakistan.Mind set to destroy peace should be duty of politcal parties to face only with sincerity.Now timetime is point scoring country onstag Army is doing very good may Allah help them to safe my mother land and get peaceAmeen sum Ameen.
Ali Abbas
Jul 30, 2014 09:21pm
@BRR "replace nawaz", "remove bad taliban", "help good taliban, (more complaint as you put)". Sure gave away your political affiliation and hidden agenda behind all the "change" you guys want to bring.
Jul 30, 2014 10:48pm
As there can be no Good Shaitaan and Bad Shaitaan same way there can be no Good Talibaan and Bad Talibaan. The army should totally eliminate all these bad elements not only from FATA Wazirisran but from all over the country and should not stop their operation till they have eliminated the last person out of them. Even after completing the operation they should keep the necessary army force in the bordering areas to have an effective check on the terrorist coming from the neighboring countries on permanent basis.
Jul 30, 2014 11:24pm
Not unexpectedly few if any of the included commentators are native from FATA or KPK. Voices which can convey a better perspective by being either from the areas of conflict or more knowledgeable about it or at least being impartial are literally absent from the media debate. And of course one should not be surprised. Fault lines for a generational conflict based on ethnic as well as religious sensitivities are being deepened by the day. One needs to listen to what an dip from Waziristan had to say about Punjab in Talat Hussain's program on 28th July. To quote a well known Urdu saying the thorns that are scattered with hands ultimately have to be picked by the eye lashes. Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad based media pundits are so gun ghost abut all this because it is not they who are paying the price for the desk top wars that they are fighting from the air conditioned comfort of their offices. They have done their job. The fires have been lit. If and when these will be extinguished, only God knows. In the mean time the innocent and the helpless are and will continue to pay the price. Thanks to all the warriors who are pushing on for more from their comfortable perches far away from the death, destruction, misery, disease and of course scorpions and snakes of the refugee camps. For how long? God only knows.
Jul 31, 2014 01:43am
I agree with all except for number 8 power can't be transferred to the civvies. It was civvies who had power before this operation, and they were completely inept, they never did any cleanup periodically. Now the army should stay there forever setup their barracks and other installations.
Freedom is earned not given. It should not be taken for granted.
Jul 31, 2014 02:54am
Success = increased percentage of stupid people who believe that "action was taken against ALL terrorists including the Haqqanis".
Gopal Ayyar
Jul 31, 2014 03:38am
Feel sad Muslims have to kill fellow Muslims in the name of land, money and power.
Jul 31, 2014 05:06am
@El Cid Paksitan shall stay intact. Our neighbours will surely disintegrate. First Kashmir, then Nagaland, then Tibet, etc, etc.
Munawar Hashmi
Jul 31, 2014 07:18am
I think it is primarily an economic issue, History is witness to the fact that on most occasions the ferocity in tribal areas was tamed through money. Provide them prosperity by developing the area and creation of job opportunities, and the area would be a peaceful territory.
Jul 31, 2014 07:23am
@BRR NOT 3) more funding for military
Jul 31, 2014 08:20am
@event horizon Well said ,So called secular country has been juxtaposed , what a shame.
omar john
Jul 31, 2014 09:22am
what happen in Palestinian same happen in waziristan, but it is under cover, even Palestinian have the rockets to fire but they don not have a weapons to tackle the brutality army of Pakistan
Jul 31, 2014 09:43am
@event horizon Looks like what Musharraf has been saying all along, but we were too blinded by rhetoric of vested interest and didn't listen
Jul 31, 2014 10:50am
can anybody in senses think of our politicians or army to implement these suggestions--do they have ability and resources---the answer is BIG NO--so forget about any improvement---things will get worse as time passes --things can only change if all current politicians and armed forces leadership is changed with new breed to control the reigns of affairs---but this also will not happen as paki public has already reconciled with current situation and politicians---we as pAKI have become apthetic and dont care anymore---if you dont believe go to markets,bazaars and malls
Jul 31, 2014 07:45pm
@BRR No more taliban, good or bad. AM tired of it. They do nothing that Islam preaches. If they are tru jihadis they should go to Burma and help muslims there. Topple the burmese government.