Comments (2) Closed
Eiman ahmed
Sep 09, 2014 04:52pm
Dear Young's World,
I 'am reading Young's World since 5 (five) years and i also send two drawings,one mailbox and one poem in this week "joy and peace" that was printed i am very happy and thankful to Young's World to adding my poem to such a fabulous magazine.So i am coming to the point that i wants to question that if someones lost their magazine then if someones want the magazine (that magazine that was issued very old) should the can get the magazine:-D
Eiman ahmed
Sep 09, 2014 04:58pm
Dear Young's World,
I 'am reading Young's World since 5 (five) years and i also send two drawings,one mailbox and one poem in this week "joy and peace" that was printed i am very happy and thankful to Young's World to adding my poem to such a fabulous magazine.So i am coming to the point that i wants to question that if someones lost their magazine then if someones want the magazine (that magazine that was issued very old) should they can get the magazine?:-D