Army Public School attack: Huzaifa Aftab - Age 16
Son of Aftab Ahmed and Andaleep Aftab
Siblings: Farwa Aftab (14), Maaz Aftab (10)
An aspiring scientist, Huzaifa Aftab liked to work on making new things. A creative child, his mother says he would at times deliberately break his toys and just so he could repair them.
An occasionally naughty child, Huzaifa would hide his brother’s and sister’s school badges, toys and other belongings but would eventually tell them the location of the hidden items.
With eyes full of tears, his mother recalls how Huzaifa enjoyed spicy food and how among these dishes biryani was his favourite.
Close to his mother, Huzaifa was a considerate child and didn’t mind sharing. Having read the story of Abdul Sattar Edhi, Huzaifa had made it a habit that he wouldn’t use up all his pocket money for himself but would also help those in need. His mother tells how this habit was liked by all in the family as well as the neighbourhood.