Army Public School attack: Fazal Raheem — Age: 14 years
Son of Muhammad Usman and Mrs Usman
Siblings: Mohammad Faisal (22), Mohammad Faheem (21), Momna (19) (Married) and Nemra (12).
Fazal Raheem took admission in APS for the sole purpose of joining the Pakistan Army as a commissioned officer.
He enjoyed cricket and often played against his brothers on the roof of his house as their father forbade them from playing out in the streets. He also liked horse-riding and often went to parks for this very purpose.
Fazal was also a skilled guitar player. He loved parrots.
He was closer to his mother than father. All the children in the family were given a weekly allowance of Rs50 but Fazal, according to his father, finished his pocket money in a single day and would come asking for more. When his father refused him once, he rushed to his mother and said in jest, "Why couldn't you marry someone else?"