Madiha inducing a bub after the child has been fed.

Against the odds: Abdul Jabbar's 28 days

Photos by Malika Abbas | Lifebuoy Publishing Partner
Published March 17, 2016

"It is very difficult for mothers living here in the village — especially mothers of newborn kids— to isolate themselves from everything else and just solely look after their kids"

Malika Abbas

"There are a lot of kids being born here, at least two or three every month. Hygiene during the first 28 days of birth can ensure a long life for the child… I'm looking at how mothers are taking care of their newborns within these 28 days, being in this difficult environment"



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The first 28 days can help a child reach 5

Lifebuoy has adopted 31 neo-natal clinics across Sindh and educated thousands of mothers about the importance of hygiene in the neo-natal period. The visual portrayal of baby Sara, Hayyan and Abdul Jabbar's first 28 days of life is another initiative to create awareness about the cause.

With each book sold, Lifebuoy doubles the proceeds and donates to NICH, for neo-natal care. You can support the cause by purchasing the book on